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Serving Others

“Brothers and sisters, may we focus on the simple ways we can serve in the kingdom of God, always striving to change lives, including our own. What is most important in our Church responsibilities is not the statistics that are reported or the meetings that are held but whether or not individual people—ministered to one at a time just as the Savior did—have been lifted and encouraged and ultimately changed. Our task is to help others find the peace and the joy that only the gospel can give them.” Elder M. Russell Ballard, O Be Wise, October 2006 General Conference

“In reality, you can never love the Lord until you serve Him by serving His people.” President Thomas S. Monson, Great Expectations, 11 January 2009

 “You will have the comfort of His love and feel the answer of His drawing closer as you reach out your arms in giving service to others. As you bind up the wounds of those in need and offer the cleansing of His Atonement to those who sorrow in sin, the Lord’s power will sustain you. His arms are outstretched with yours to succor and bless the children of our Heavenly Father, including those in your family.” President Henry B. Eyring, “Come Unto Me”, April 2013 General Conference

“Great things are wrought through simple and small things. Like the small flecks of gold that accumulate over time into a large treasure, our small and simple acts of kindness and service will accumulate into a life filled with love for Heavenly Father, devotion to the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and a sense of peace and joy each time we reach out to one another.” Elder M. Russell Ballard, Finding Joy Through Loving Service, April 2011 General Conference

“Truly, our lives of service and sacrifice are the most appropriate expressions of our commitment to serve the Master and our fellowmen.” Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Sacrifice, April 2012 General Conference

“Our Savior teaches us to follow Him by making the sacrifices necessary to lose ourselves in unselfish service to others. If we do, He promises us eternal life, “the greatest of all the gifts of God” (D&C 14:7), the glory and joy of living in the presence of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.” Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Unselfish Service, April 2009 General Conference

“The Savior’s words are simple, yet their meaning is profound and deeply significant. We are to love God and to love and care for our neighbors as ourselves. Imagine what good we can do in the world if we all join together, united as followers of Christ, anxiously and busily responding to the needs of others and serving those around us—our families, our friends, our neighbors, our fellow citizens. As the Epistle of James notes, service is the very definition of pure religion (see James 1:27).” Elder M. Russell Ballard, Be Anxiously Engaged, October 2012 General Conference

“The spirit of service does not come by assignment. It is a feeling that accompanies a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” President Boyd K. Packer, Called to Serve, October 1997 General Conference
“I will share one principle of truth which, if applied, can open the door to all the others you need to lift your spirit. It is a principle that will give you the power to make a difference in the quality of your own life. I speak of service—self-sacrificing service to others in need. I know it is hard to help another when you feel you have been wronged. I know it is difficult to take the first step when your own heart aches for companionship or yearns for understanding. Yet such acts of service open to us the mercy and love of Jesus Christ, the Master.” Elder Richard G. Scott, The Power to Make a Difference, October 1983 General Conference

“Often, the answer to our prayer does not come while we’re on our knees but while we’re on our feet serving the Lord and serving those around us. Selfless acts of service and consecration refine our spirits, remove the scales from our spiritual eyes, and open the windows of heaven. By becoming the answer to someone’s prayer, we often find the answer to our own.” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Waiting On The Road To Damascus, April 2011 General Conference

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